In reality this verse has been a familiar verse in the bible making it onto stickers, t-shirts and wall hanging. This is the verse demonstrates God’s amazing love for the world that he gave his only son. God’s love was not for a small tribe of people but for the whole world. The Old Testament God chose the nation of Israel as his special nation of people, God called Abraham to have descendants more numerous than the stars in the sky. God purpose is having Israel be blessed for the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah spoke of God’s plan for salvation of all humanity with the coming of the Messiah for not just Israel but all nations. It may be easy to overlook the power of this verse that is applies to each of us. I ask you to look at the verse in this light “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son” that if (insert your name) “believes in him should not perish” (insert your name), “but have eternal life.” Is that not amazing! He did that for each of us. In the Old Testament, God tests Abraham to take his son to the mountain to sacrifice him but stops him before that occurred. Jesus was o’s only begotten son but in order to save all mankind gave his son for all of us. It doesn’t matter our past sins or our age only that we open our hearts to him and ask him to be our Savior.